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Iran, 7 years in jail
for supporting women's rights

My name is Atena, I’m 30 years old. Two years ago, I received a 7 years sentence for standing up for the rights of others.

Among many other reasons, Atena was detained for her Facebook and Twitter statements in which she promoted human rights of Iranian women and criticized the amount of death penalties in Iran. Furthermore, her sentence was impacted by her participation in peaceful demonstrations and her distribution of flyers against the death penalty. These activities were seen as „crimes against national security“ or „dissemination of anti-system propaganda“. She was convicted during an unjust trial that lasted approximately ten minutes. Atena serves her sentence in Shahr-e-Rey, one of the most feared jails in Iran where hundreds of women are convicted. These women are held in overcrowded prison cells and unsanitary conditions. They lack access to drinking water, and medical care while being at a high risk of torture.


China, 8 sentence for activism
against unjust executions

They call me Tufu and most of my life I spent defending human rights which is the reason for my 8 years sentence. Chinese trial sees it as „subversion of state power“.

In truth, Wu Gan only defended unjust detentions and drew attention to human rights violations in China. Tufu is a reputable activist that organized demonstrations against death penalty while supporting the work of independant human rights lawyers. The verdict of his eight-year-sentence for his activism was determined by the Chinese court in April 2018. The harsh sentence was given because Wu Gan did not confess his guilt and by naming individuals that tortured him in jail. At this time, activists and human rights defenders in China are monitored, harassed, threatened, arrested and detained.

who is AtenaWu?
who is AtenaWu?
Free him with your signature
Free her with your signature
to release

Atena Daemi Wu Gan

Entire petition

High Council for Human Rights
Mohammad Javad Larijani
Esfaniar Boulevard, Niayesh Intersection
Vali Asr Avenue, Tehran, Iran

Dear Mr. Procurator,

I would like to express my deep concern regarding the case of the Iranian Atena Daemi.

Atena Daemi was arrested for her activities supporting human rights and for using her freedom of speech. We demand an immediate and unconditional release of Daemi, as she is a prisoner of conscience. Daemi is detained for practicing her freedom of speech. While she is imprisonment, we demand that she has an access to medical care outside the prison. We call for her transport back to the Teheran prison Evin and for medical support. We demand an immediate release of Atena and the withdraw of her charge and verdicts.

Xi Jinping
Xichengqu, Beijing Shi 100017
People’s Republic of China
Fax: +86 10 63070900

Dear Mr. President,

I would like to express my deep concern regarding the case of the Chinese Wu Gan.

Wu Gan was sentenced to 8 years in prison for “subverting state power” because he simply practiced freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. According to his statement published after his first hearing, Wu named 13 main workers who tortured him in prison. Even now, he is threatened with torture and ill-treatment. Wu Gan is a prisoner of conscience, he was arrested for fighting for fundamental human rights in China. We demand an immediate and unconditional release of Wu Gan, and the respect and protection of freedom of assembly in your country.

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