Iran, 7 years in jail
for supporting women's rights
My name is Atena, I’m 30 years old. Two years ago, I received a 7 years sentence for standing up for the rights of others.
Among many other reasons, Atena was detained for her Facebook and Twitter statements in which she promoted human rights of Iranian women and criticized the amount of death penalties in Iran. Furthermore, her sentence was impacted by her participation in peaceful demonstrations and her distribution of flyers against the death penalty. These activities were seen as „crimes against national security“ or „dissemination of anti-system propaganda“. She was convicted during an unjust trial that lasted approximately ten minutes. Atena serves her sentence in Shahr-e-Rey, one of the most feared jails in Iran where hundreds of women are convicted. These women are held in overcrowded prison cells and unsanitary conditions. They lack access to drinking water, and medical care while being at a high risk of torture.
China, 8 sentence for activism
against unjust executions
They call me Tufu and most of my life I spent defending human rights which is the reason for my 8 years sentence. Chinese trial sees it as „subversion of state power“.
In truth, Wu Gan only defended unjust detentions and drew attention to human rights violations in China. Tufu is a reputable activist that organized demonstrations against death penalty while supporting the work of independant human rights lawyers. The verdict of his eight-year-sentence for his activism was determined by the Chinese court in April 2018. The harsh sentence was given because Wu Gan did not confess his guilt and by naming individuals that tortured him in jail. At this time, activists and human rights defenders in China are monitored, harassed, threatened, arrested and detained.
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